6 tips to start an effective SEO positioning strategy for your company

SEO positioning strategy has gained importance in recent years, especially during the pandemic when there was a surge in investment in it . 62% of small and medium-sized companies in Mexico, which have a digital strategy implemented since or before Covid-19, consider the SEO strategy to be very important . Therefore, if your business competes on the internet, it is highly recommended to implement the 6 tips that we present to you for an efficient development of your SEO positioning strategy.

Small business marketers and retailers with basic SEO knowledge often struggle to know where to focus their efforts. Their lack of experience prevents them from executing a long-term SEO strategy, and that’s exactly what they need to continually improve their web presence and, in turn, drive traffic and sales.

How to make an effective SEO strategy?

The following tips will help you improve your SEO toolkit . They will allow you to succeed even if yo uae whatsapp number data u decide to request the services of a professional instead of implementing SEO content strategies in-house, as they will help you better articulate your goals, and be more selective with the agencies you outsource and the tasks you prefer to pay for.



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SEO Tip #1: Create High-Quality Content
The first of our SEO tips for small businesses is to create very high-quality content. Your SEO content strategy should provide valuable information to your audience and give them a reason to visit your website, blog, or social media profile.

As for the nature of the content you should create, evergreen content will alwa seo practices to wnhance your customer experience ys be the best, as it doesn’t lose its validity over time and can be reused for months and years to come. This content can include:

Practical articles related to your products
Important resources
Timely content, the opposite of evergreen , is also important, as it shows th resource data t, and more. Its goal is to highlight local events, let customers know about new products or services, or talk about a relevant social issue that relates to your business, mission, or community.

Frequently asked questions about your business

SEO Tip #2: Find the right keywords (without keyword spamming)
Why bother creating high-quality content if your target audience can’t find it? Including the right keywords on your business page ensures that your target audience will reach your content. Firstly, this involves identifying the needs of prospects according to where they are in the customer journey.

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