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15 reasons to invest in app development in 2018

The year 2018, with important events such as the World Cup and general elections, promises to be intense and full of good opportunities for many sectors of the economy, especially the mobile market.

The economic crisis that shook the Brazilian economy and weakened trade in recent years took away from consumers, and especially from businesspeople, the desire to invest in new and improved tools.

But the recovery we have seen

Recent months has given us back some breathing room, encouraging many to “put their hands in their pockets” and start investing again. With Brazilians starting to shop again, this is the best time to invest in app development.

Still don’t believe it? We’ve prepared a list of 15 reasons that will show you why 2018 is the ideal time to invest in app development.

1 Growth in mobile internet access
The development of smartphone models that are cheaper than the top-of-the-line ones (such as the still highly desired iPhones) has allowed people with lower purchasing power to acquire this type of device.

Furthermore, mobile phone companies have been investing heavily in offering mobile internet packages, allowing this audience to stay connected for longer. As a result, the number of Brazilians who carry out commercial transactions via mobile apps has increased much more than the percentage of those who go to physical establishments to purchase a product or service.

Therefore, the increase in the number of internet accesses via mobile devices has become the best south africa phone number data reason to invest in application development in 2018.

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2 Evolution of the application market

The public’s increased interest in mobile devices and the need to resolve several issues with just a few taps has, in itself, been a good justification for investing in application development in 2018, as this market, despite the crisis, has shown a positive unleashing the power of b2b personalization evolutionary curve, with potential for even more growth in the coming years, in line with the demand for technology.

3 Increase in smartphone sales
As we said in the first point, both retailers bw lists and cell phone companies have noticed Brazilians’ interest in technology and, thus, facilitated the sale of smartphones to a public that, when these products were launched, did not have the financial.

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