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1 in 5 homes has smart devices: INEGI and IFT

Internet penetration reach 81.4% in 2023 in the country; for the first time there are more female users.
By 2023, there were 97 million Internet users in the country , reaching a national penetration of 81.4% , according to the National Survey on Availability and Use of IT in Homes (ENDUTIH ).

Conduct by the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI) and the Feral Institute of Telecommunications, it identifi that for the first time, since its measurement in 2015, women l the use of the network.

During the presentation of the results, Graciela Márquez , president of Inegi, explain that women achiev a penetration of 81.4% compar to 81% of men.

She add that there was a statistically

significant increase in Internet use by women in five of the eight age groups describ in the survey.

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Javier Juárez Múgica , acting president commissioner of the IFT, highlight that the figure of 97 million Internet users – over 6 years old – represents an increase korea whatsapp number data of more than 3 million compar to 2022.

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The number of people who do not use the Internet because they do not have access rose from 5.2 million in 2015 to 2.6 million in 2023.

In addition, use among people over 65 years of age increas , rising from 24% to 39.2% in the same period.

Digital gaps are growing

There was also an increase in the gap between ICT users in rural areas compar to urban areas, which is almost 20 percentage points.

Along with an unequal the power of content marketing in pr distribution of technological resources among the feral entities.
Also for the first time, Inegi ask about smart devices , where televisions top the list, being present in 21.7 million homes (68.7%).

While the rest of the bz lists smart devices reach a combin penetration of 20%, with 7.7 million homes.